About Us

Ellensburg Theatre Company, formerly Gold Beach Summer Theatre and incorporated as a non profit since 1986 sits at the nose of the adventurous Gold Beach, Oregon. With views of the Pacific ocean and the mighty Rogue river, this company takes up residence in The Rogue Playhouse.
ETC is committed to bring the Southern Oregon Coast alive with all forms of entertainment to our historic stage. Whether you catch a drama, comedy, your favorite band, or a classic movie-- you are sure to be delighted by our small town charm!
Our History
‘Bullhide Theater'…was one of the suggested names in our ‘Name the Theater’ contest for what is now The Rogue Playhouse. The Playhouse started out as the People’s Store in 1918, owned and operated by “Bullhide” Moore, and located where the Courthouse now resides. From there it moved to the Gray Whales site and various lodges met upstairs (the original ‘Rainbow Room’ remains our costume room). This second story was moved to its present location in about 1952 when many Masonic volunteers built the basement foundation for it (original photographs of these workmen and buildings are still on display in the Theater lobby). For decades this was the Masonic Lodge, which ETC occasionally rented for theater productions. In 2004 we were allowed to move in, but with the property being for sale, theater clutter was deemed to be blocking that occurrence, so we were Gypsies once again. Then in 2006, a meeting between a few hardy ETC members and Charles Heuser and Dale Giottonini of the Masons resulted in a 5-year lease for ETC. A perfect marriage of two organizations that both strive to benefit the community. Three years later, the building was gifted to ETC. Historical Landmark The conversation between Laurel and Sandy had been about possible grants, and Laurel’s input was on the importance of the historical aspect of our Theater home in that endeavor. Even though Ellensburg Theater has been gifted the actual building by the Masons (to enable us to pursue grants to upgrade the building), ETC does not yet own the actual land. That sales contract starts at the end of the lease – an ominous deadline, so to speak. A major grant looms somewhere just over the horizon hopefully to bring about ownership of the entire property – a true Theater home of our own.